Certified Cyber Security Associate
Duration | 35 Hours
A Cyber Security Specialist plays a vital role in ensuring the security of software systems, networks, and data centers during their development stages. Their responsibilities include identifying vulnerabilities and risks in hardware and software and managing and monitoring potential attacks or intrusions.
Prospective students must have a high school diploma, completed the required math and science courses (specific prerequisites may vary by program), and possess proficiency in English.
Course Objectives
The Certified Cyber Security Associate program focuses on developing the foundational skills required to protect modern digital ecosystems effectively. The primary goal of ethical hacking is to assess the security of systems, networks, or infrastructures and identify potential vulnerabilities.
What You Will Learn
Our curriculum ensures that students gain comprehensive knowledge and hands-on experience in cybersecurity. Here's what you will learn throughout the course.
Ethical Hacking | DDOS Attacks
Wireless Hacking
Password Hacking
What are Botnets?
Types of DDoS Attacks
Cross-site Scripting
SQL Injection
Pen Testing
Basic Steps
Port Scanning
Ping Sweep
DNS Enumeration
Wired Equivalent Privacy
Wireless DoS Attacks
Social Engineering
Dictionary Attack
Hybrid Dictionary Attack
Brute-Force Attack
Rainbow Tables
Types of Sniffing
Hardware Protocol Analyzers
Lawful Interception
Ethical Hacking Overview
Types of Hacking
Advantages of Hacking
Disadvantages of Hacking
Purpose of Hacking
Domain Name Information
Finding IP Address
Finding Hosting Company
IP Address Ranges
History of the Website
ARP Poisoning
What is ARP Spoofing?
What is MITM?
ARP Poisoning − Exercise
DNS Poisoning
DNS Poisoning − Exercise
Defenses against DNS Poisoning
Ethical Hacking
Exploits of Metasploit
Metasploit Payloads
Trojan Attacks
TCP/IP Hijacking
Email Hijacking
Email Spoofing
Social Engineering
Inserting Viruses in a User System
Hacker Types & Features
White Hat Hackers
Black Hat Hackers
Grey Hat Hackers
Miscellaneous Hackers
Famous Hackers
Basic Skills
Courses & Certifications
Ethical Hacking
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